The morning session will cover the basics of R and SWMPr. R is a data analysis software and programming language and SWMPr is an R package designed for working with SWMP data.

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  1. Review some R basics such as importing data and plotting
  2. Demonstrate useful functions in the SWMPr package
  3. Investigate how real data from your Reserve can be processed and visualized

7:30am Software set-up/help

Instructors will assist workshop attendees with last‐minute software issues.

8:00am Introductions and data check

8:15am Powerpoint presentation

8:40am Part I: Data import and plots

9:15am Part II: Using SWMPr to deal with difficult data, Case Study 1

Case Study 1: import_local and QAQC

10:00am BREAK

10:15am Part II: Using SWMPr to deal with difficult data, Case Study 2

Case Study II: aggreswmp

11:00am Part II: Using SWMPr to deal with difficult data, Case Study 3

Case Study III: Overplotting ISCO and WQ data

11:30am Part III: Bring your own data

12:00pm ADJOURN