Finds dissolved oxygen concentration in equilibrium with water-saturated air. Function and documentation herein are from archived wq package.
Dissolved oxygen concentration in mg/L at 100% saturation. If P = NULL
, saturation values at 1 atm are calculated.
Calculations are based on the approach of Benson and Krause (1984), using Green and Carritt's (1967) equation for dependence of water vapor partial pressure on t
and S
. Equations are valid for temperature in the range 0-40 C and salinity in the range 0-40.
Benson, B.B. and Krause, D. (1984) The concentration and isotopic fractionation of oxygen dissolved in fresh-water and seawater in equilibrium with the atmosphere. Limnology and Oceanography 29, 620-632.
Green, E.J. and Carritt, D.E. (1967) New tables for oxygen saturation of seawater. Journal of Marine Research 25, 140-147.