Plot observed response variable and salinity/flow time series from a tidal object
obsplot(dat_in, ...)
# S3 method for default
lines = TRUE,
logspace = TRUE,
dt_rng = NULL,
pretty = TRUE,
col = "black",
lwd = 1,
size = 2,
alpha = 1,
# S3 method for tidal
obsplot(dat_in, ...)
# S3 method for tidalmean
obsplot(dat_in, ...)
input tidal or tidalmean object
arguments passed to geom_line
logical indicating if a line plot is used, otherwise points
logical indicating if plots are in log space
Optional chr string indicating the date range of the plot. Must be two values in the format 'YYYY-mm-dd' which is passed to as.Date
logical indicating if my subjective idea of plot aesthetics is applied, otherwise the ggplot
default themes are used
chr string of plot color to use
numeric value indicating width of lines
numeric value indicating size of points
numeric value indicating transparency of points or lines
A ggplot
object that can be further modified